Rebranding a Health Retreat
M24 Think Lab was engaged to rename, reposition and rebrand the former Highwood Health Retreat brand. The following is an overview of the new rebrand ‘Abide Wellness Retreat’.
The Brief
The health retreat market in Australia is an expanding and extremely competitive sector within the newly positioned wellness and health industry.
Our research identified, through a comprehensive new enterprise model, a well overdue call to remodel and rebrand the old Highwood Health Retreat narrative.
The new model called for greater diversity and a deeper focus on an integrative wellness solution, and so much more bringing quality and an emphasis on the current needs of the market.
The Solution
Core to the project was the desire to unify all the elements of Highwood and bring them together under one strategic and integrated direction. M24 developed not only a new enterprise model but a complete rebrand bringing relevance, engaged and integrative wellness packages and solutions meeting the growing needs of the market.
Abide is a contemporary brand that has a distinct calming and assuring voice and an immediate presence in the health and wellbeing market sectors.
The Results
With the successful launch of the new brand with its complete suite of collateral and digital online marketing campaign, bookings for the retreat saw an 80% increase comparatively. With a strategically focused social and SEO driven series of online campaigns that have lead to improved visibility in organic Google search results and soon to be launched database campaign.
With an ambition to grow and expand their offerings Abide Wellness Retreat is set to become a major player in the natural health and wellness sector with Australia.